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samedi 2 juin 2018

Only one way: North!

We're on the road again. This time, we'll be wandering from San Francisco all the way up to Prudhoe Bay in Alaska!
One lesson we've learned from our previous trip is our limited blog posting capabilities :) Between  the driving, home-schooling, setting up/down camp, cooking and usually less than ideal network connectivity we decided to focus on posting pictures on Instagram rather than (not) maintaining a full fledged blog.

So follow us on


dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Vancouver by aksel

So the last blog was that I was talking about Vancouver and the hotel well now I'm talking about how fun it was in the hotel.First I got in and looked at the hotel room it was very clean and I just loved it.Then I looked at the stuff and I was chilling with my iPad. Then I went to eat dinner, went back after dinner I was in the hotel room then I chilled for a little then went to sleep.


Today we went to Vancouver and slept at a hotel. This was probably one of the best hotels I've ever experience. I hope I can go to L'Hermitage Hotel in Vancouver again. The hotel had a pool and a hot tub. The pool had a heater, and it was in pretty good temature. The internet was pretty fast too, for hotel wifi. The hotel also had great service. The service was really polite and helped with a lot.


vendredi 15 septembre 2017

Hells Canyon

Last week we went to Hells Canyon and we went to a jet boat. We even stopped by a beach to have picnic. It was delicious.
We had burritos which I find really cool. Then we went back to the place where we started the jet boating. Then saw 2 hunters that had shot a deer. It was really gross and I didn't like those guys. They took the guts out of the deers neck. Other than that, the day was pretty cool.


We went to Vancouver by aksel

Vancouver is a city in Canada and were going there. It's gonna be a long way until we're in Vancouver. We're going to chill at a hotel for a day and I'm excited. In a few days we're going to reach the hotel. We're on our way there but still miles away from it. We're just going to stay in the car and have some breaks and chill. We're on the road right now.

jeudi 7 septembre 2017

We went in a boat at the snake river. By aksel

So the river was pretty fun I really got wet there was really fun jumps but I did not fall of the guy that was coaching us was a really nice guy we had some fun. I needed to use a school bus to go there and to go back there was other People in aur boat sometimes it was smooth and sometimes it was pretty rough.